An article appeared on about the strategic real estate plans that Factor4 is preparing for Dendermonde, Harelbeke, Hove, Landen, Sint-Niklaas and Voeren.
Among other things, as a partner in the SURE2050 project, Factor4 has now helped about 20 local governments develop a sustainable real estate strategy and a real estate plan. A strategic real estate plan is a concrete roadmap to get all city buildings climate neutral by 2050.
"The quick scans in all our buildings gave us an insight into the good and less good points of the patrimony in terms of sustainability.
It also became clear which issues needed to be addressed as soon as possible and which buildings deserved priority."
Margot Maes
Sustainability expert, Hove
An article appeared on about the strategic real estate plans Factor4 is preparing for Dendermonde, Harelbeke, Hove, Landen, Sint-Niklaas and Voeren
Are you an SME looking to invest in energy efficiency or renewable energy? Thanks to the EENergy grant, SMEs can receive up to €10,000 for projects that deliver at least 5% energy savings. What's extra interesting: services such as energy audits and consulting by Factor4 are also covered by this subsidy scheme.